I saw this headline over at HuffPo: Paul Ryan Says He's Open to Making Medicare Plan Optional and just had to have a look.
The HuffPo piece refers to a piece in the Weekly Standard, which reads in relevant part:
Newt Gingrich suggested that future seniors (those now younger than 55 scheduled to get a Medicare subsidy when they turn 65 under Ryan's plan) should have the option [emphasis in original] to stay in the current Medicare system. What's wrong with that?"I don’t have a problem with that," Ryan replies. "I think it’s a fine idea worth considering. [Bill Clinton's budget director] Alice Rivlin and I have talked about that in the past."
I agree that future seniors should have "the option" to stay in the current Medicare system. In fact, I think future seniors should have "the option" to enter the current Medicare system right now. Hell, I'd opt in today, if they'd just let me.